Solutions MAXX – Granules with MAXXimum effect
Your MAXXimum solution for baked goods, chocolate and more: The new SOLUTIONS MAXX granulate range from Paradise Fruits Solutions has MAXXimum bake stability, provides MAXXimum taste and guarantees MAXXimum colour intensity to help MAXXimize your product.

Solutions MAXX – Granules with MAXXimum effect

Your MAXXimum solution for baked goods, chocolate and more: The new SOLUTIONS MAXX granulate range from Paradise Fruits Solutions has MAXXimum bake stability, provides MAXXimum taste and guarantees MAXXimum colour intensity to help MAXXimize your product.

New building block in the Paradise Fruits Solutions granulate construction kit

Whether you are looking at Caramel for a touch of indulgence, or soft and juicy raspberry to add in a crunchy biscuit or a fruity muffin – baking dreams come true with the innovative SOLUTIONS MAXX granulate range. The SOLUTIONS MAXX range is also the ideal ingredient solution for chocolates, ice cream or other industrial applications.

Mike Schmidt, Sales Manager for DACH/SCAN at Paradise Fruits Solutions, explains:
“We wanted to create the perfect granulate for our industrial customers. This range is particularly bake-stable and helps to avoid any “boil out” in product, still delivers a great taste and texture after the production process. Furthermore, the appearance was also extremely important to us and our customers. No one wants pastries with fruit or caramel spots leaking out.”

Fruit granule of different cut sizes mixed together.

The new SOLUTIONS MAXX range includes eight flavours: Woodberry/Forrest Fruits, Raspberry, Strawberry and Apple add fruity accents. Caramel fits perfectly with every confectionery application. Mango-Passionfruit completes the product range in an exotic way.

Cookie with red fruit mass inside.

SOLUTIONS MAXX granulates are another important addition in the Paradise Fruits’ Solutions innovative granulate construction kit. They include the delicious, “Nut-Free Nut” granulates, which are particularly suitable for people with allergies, as well as the Basics range, which is on stock 24/7. Or the “Fruit First Fibre” range from Paradise Fruits Solutions, which is ideal for manufacturers of functional foods which require a higher fibre with lower sugar content. Sales Director EMEA Richard Horsley adds: “SOLUTIONS MAXX perfectly complements our extensive range of versatile granulates.

The granulate that can do it all - SOLUTIONS MAXX

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