Taste of the East and ice-cold surprises: A great success across the business at FIE 2019
Another successful event in Paris allowed us to showcase our range of natural and innovative fruit and vegetable ingredients. Next we will exhibit at ProSweets Cologne (Feb 2-5th), followed by and Biofach Nuremberg (Feb 12-15th) and then EXPO West in Anaheim (Mar 3rd-7th) in early 2020.

Taste of the East and ice-cold surprises: A great success across the business at FIE 2019

Another successful event in Paris allowed us to showcase our range of natural and innovative fruit and vegetable ingredients. Next we will exhibit at ProSweets Cologne (Feb 2-5th), followed by and Biofach Nuremberg (Feb 12-15th) and then EXPO West in Anaheim (Mar 3rd-7th) in early 2020.

Developed by Paradise Fruits Solutions, Taste of the East takes its inspiration from Japan and meets a growing trend for Eastern flavours. Available in Mandarin & Yuzu, Lychee & Raspberry, Apple & Green Tea, Lime & Matcha Tea and Ginger & Plum, as well as bespoke combinations, the range proved popular with confectionery and bakery manufacturers. Taste of the East is available in a number of formats including our unique irregular cut granulates, standard granulates, fruit pastes, juice drops and standard and bespoke shapes; all suitable for a variety of applications from baked goods to chocolates and snacks.

Kurt Jahncke, CEO of Paradise Fruits, comments:
We were delighted with the feedback we received from visitors to our stand, who were impressed with the variations in textures, colours and flavours that we offer. Taste of the East proved to be particularly popular, as it provides food and drink manufacturers with a number of innovative solutions to get a head start in developing exciting new products for retailers to stock during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Also attracting great interest during the event was Paradise Fruits Solutions higher fibre, lower sugar recipe, which provides less than 40% sugar (naturally occurring) than standard fruit ingredients and almost 40g of fibre per 100g and is available as fruit granulates, pastes, drops and shapes. Paradise Fruits’ Garden also made an impact with visitors interested to hear about the business’ all-year-round sourcing options to offer consistent product and quality, regardless of season.

Kurt Jahncke said:
With a trend towards ‘better-for-you’ snacks and confectionery continuing to prevail, our higher fibre recipe went down particularly well with food manufacturers looking for functional ingredients that will help them develop products that meet this demand.

Paradise Fruits Frozen also impressed visitors with unique and indulgent chocolate-coated frozen fruits that premiered at the event – an innovative application of frozen fruit inclusions suitable to the food service sector.

Kurt Jahncke adds:
Our IQF chocolate coated raspberries and cherries were a triumph, with many foodservice suppliers commenting on the taste and texture. What’s great about this product is that the idea we put forward can be developed even further to offer a quality, easy to serve choice of dessert for restaurants and caterers.

Entdecken Sie weitere Bereiche

Frozen Fruit



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